Special Event: Master Chef

Checkpoint Available Time: From 16:00 on 11/14/2019 to 22:00 on 11/27/2019 Server Time

QUEST → EVENT → Master Chef

Event Details:
Clear Dungeon and you may receive Class S Blueprint Ticket or Class S Recruit Ticket!

Spend 10AP: Cooking Competition (Normal)
Spend 20AP: Cooking Competition (Medium)
Spend 30AP: Cooking Competition (Advanced)
Spend 40AP: Cooking Competition (Nightmare)
Complete higher difficulty checkpoints for better chances on Maple Bun and Maple Lunch Box.

* Remember to check the Dungeon Info.

 Tap the Magnifier to check the Dungeon Info.

* Remember to check the Enemy Info.

Tap the portrait on bottom left to check enemy's info.

Class S Blueprint Ticket or Class S Recruit Ticket



1.Collect Maple Lunch Box to exchange in the shop.

Join official discord for more information: https://discord.gg/vgfFkU8

1.If any Errors, lag or disconnections occur during the Event, the Robot Tactics Operation Team reserves the right for the final decision.
2.Players will be disqualified from the Event rewards if found cheating.
3.The Robot Tactics Operation team reserves the right to Change and fix the content and Result of the Event page. All Events are subject to the latest official Notice.